Mastitis mycotica u krów – przyczyny, objawy, leczenie
Mastitis mycotica in cows – causes, symptoms, and therapy

Summary. Fungi account for 2–13% of mastitis mycotic cases and may occur sporadically or enzootically. Amongst a variety of fungal species, Candida spp. is considered the major causative factor responsible for up to 95.5% of mastitis mycotica cases. The development of mastitis is dependent on predisposing factors, mainly uncontrolled use of antibiotics and decreased general as well as local immunity of animals. Generally, the disease process is mild and prolonged. In the majority of cases, the short, acute stage is followed by chronic mastitis. Although the disease in question is increasingly important in veterinary practice, fully satisfactory methods of therapy have not been determined. In the present paper, the literature published during recent decades concern-ing causes, symptoms and treatment methods of mastitis mycotica is rewieved.

Key words: cow, fungi, yeasts, mastitis